Aries Season

Aries Season

By Kirsten Ross




And just like that, the Zodiac is re-born.  A new astrological year, rises from the Equinox fires, resurrected as pure passion and purpose.



Aries always takes us back to the start and our essence, who we are at our core.   She is pure, visceral, yang energy that acts to propel us forwards, fuelling our primal drive and ambition as we cross the threshold into the lighter half of the Earth’s cycle.


This year Aries season is more potent than ever as it houses a series of eclipses that will reshape us at a soul level. Can you feel the raw power of her energy starting to build around you? It’s everywhere from the heat of warmer days, to the explosion of growth in mama nature’s plants and creatures. A lunar eclipse in Libra will first allow us to burn down any relationships that block our expansion.  Then a total solar eclipse in Aries demands nothing short of rebirth in the realm of the self!  Expect an inferno to rage at your deepest levels, knowing that you will rise with fearless determination from these fires of creation.


Aries calls on us to start afresh, to head our soul’s calling and redefine our path. To forge ahead regardless of any challenges that arise and to burn away anything misaligned to our highest calling. Now is the time to stand in the full expression of your soul, with childlike wonder and courage, as you change your game, line up your actions with your motivation, and confidently follow your unique path, radiating magnificence for all the world to see.


This season ask yourself:


🔥What lights you up and stokes your internal fires?

🔥What blocks to your soul’s path are you currently encountering?

🔥What within you needs to be resurrected?


Artwork: @midnightmoonvisuals

Insights: @mumma_andthemoon



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