Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

By Kirsten Ross


✧ Winter Solstice ❆

In our modern society the Winter Solstice is largely overshadowed by the bright twinkling lights of its Christian derivative. Patiently it waits, in the quiet stillness of the liminal realm, an ancient treasure calling to be remembered. Perhaps you feel it stirring in your soul, an awakening of the felt sense and a coming home to a simpler and yet much richer way of being. It is the deep feminine, the yin to the yang, the antidote we so desperately need to counterbalance the relentless productivity that ravages the human population today.

It is the lowest ebb of the year, energetically aligned with the dark moon, menstruation and the crone of our life cycle. It calls on us to stop and stand still, just as the Sun does in the sky, just as the animals hibernate, the fields lay fallow and no plant life dares to grow. This time is sacred and intrinsic to the growth of Spring and bloom of Summer. There can be no harvest, no bounty without this barren precursor. It is the time to honour the power of gestation, the darkness of the womb and the creative magic of the divine feminine.

Otherwise known as Yule or Midwinter, the Solstice arrives on December 21st /22nd at the moment the Sun crosses the tropic of Capricorn and the season of the Seagoat begins. The human race have celebrated it for millennia as the rebirth of the Sun. After the longest dark night, the Sun begins slowly but surely to wax towards the Summer, giving a little more warmth and light each day. It is a time to honour the Sun as the divine masculine, as its magnificent rays energise all that they touch with life giving power.

Create space during these dark days to rest. Consciously light a candle as you soak in gratitude for the beauty of the polarities. Honour the feminine and masculine within you, and marvel at existence as you retreat into your depths to regenerate.

Bask in the delicious pause between cycles that the Solstice brings.


Artwork: @midnightmoonvisuals
Insights: @mumma_andthemoon


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