Capricorn Season

Capricorn Season

By Kirsten Ross


Crossing over the tropic of Capricorn from the adventurous fires of Sagittarius season, the Sun comes to a stop over the cold and fallow earth. The Season of the seagoat starts at the Winter Solstice, the lowest ebb of the year here in the northern hemisphere, a time of deep nurturance and introspection.

artwork: @midnightmoonvisuals
insights: @mumma_andthemoon

From this point on, the minutes of light grow incrementally each day, as the cycle of the Earth starts to wax slowly, but surely towards Summer. As the light grows, so does the indomitable spirit of Capricorn. In the task of mapping out our desires and productively manifesting for the year, no other sign could inspire us the way she does. Capricorn is the somber force of perseverance that keeps us on target throughout our lifetime.

Her season calls on us to define exactly what our needs are, the goals that must be met to fulfill them, the boundaries required to not lose focus, and the strategy we will put into play over each month of the coming cycle. But before you harness her vibrations to propel yourself into your vision of the new year like a boss, connect to her energy via the Earth element, stilling yourself, as our great mother Earth is still in Winter. Reconnect deeply to your roots in these darkest days of the year and here in the silent space you create, let all that is superfluous wither away, so that you may be reborn along with the growing light of the Sun.

This season ask yourself:

✨ What feeling do I want to create in the cycle ahead?

✨ What helps me connect to this feeling?

✨ What are the biggest distractions to my focus?


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