Sagittarius Season

Sagittarius Season

By Kirsten Ross


Sagittarius Season ♐︎

Hallelujah! Sagittarius season is finally here, sparking a blaze of wonder and optimism in our hearts. After the dark and often very difficult days of Scorpio season we are all in dire need of the Archer’s light and expansive vibrations. Our bedraggled souls can finally pull themselves from the depths of Scorpio’s clutches to rest on the shores of positivity and be warmed by the desert sands of this fiery energy.

As temperatures plummet in the world around us /here in the northern hemisphere), the days grow ever darker on the approach to the Winter Solstice. Sagittarius arrives as a beacon of light and hope, her golden arrow showing us the way ahead, the path to expansion and elevation, through unexplored lands and beyond all that we were before.

Sagittarius season is always an adventure of epic proportions. It is the perfect time to travel, expand your horizons, stretch your perspectives, and open to serendipity. It calls on us all to wander and explore, far away from the safety of our comfort zones. Sagittarius bestows us with wild confidence and challenges us to shatter all that has kept us caged, using only the wisdom we have gleaned and the mastery of self. Embody the buoyancy of her power to rise to your potential and stride enthusiastically into your future.

This season ask yourself:

💫What is the best-case scenario?
💥How do I block my own expansion?
⚡️What will be my next great adventure?


Insights: @mumma_andthemoon
Artwork: @midnightmoonvisuals


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